
Through connections among the foremost and best researchers and the sharing of high-quality content, our goal is to assist Brazil and Latin America in accelerating technological expansion in the field of green hydrogen, paving the way for scientific development, innovations, and new commercial and industrial applications.
NürnbergMesse, Hiria Nürnberg Messe, Guia Marítimo, and the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo (AHK São Paulo) have combined their expertise and reputations to organize one of the most significant events on the new phase of energy transition and green hydrogen in Brazil, Latin America, and Europe. Starting in 2022, the Brazil-Germany Green Hydrogen Congress, organized by AHK São Paulo, became a part of the Hydrogen Dialogue Latin America platform's program. As the discussion has evolved, the need to provide qualified strategic information has become evident.
Developing a versatile web platform that delivers value-added information to users. The challenge of creating the H2V Platform was taken on by the data-driven technology provider Linkmesh. The process encompasses data collection, compatibility, structuring, geospatial analysis, and machine learning. With the goal of improving the quality of services provided and reinforcing the mission of Hydrogen Dialogue Latin to become the premier and enduring international forum for energy transition, the H2V Platform aims to make a positive impact on the energy transition.
The Linkmesh data-driven tech provider's elaboration of this project involves data collection, compatibility, and structuring. It aims to gain insights into the territory, especially concerning the transformation of energy matrices and their economic implications, making it easier to strategically plan initiatives, development programs, and investments.
There are three resulting products. The first comprises the Dashboard proposition in which the thematic scopes will be visible. The second involves the development of the geospatialization of the background necessary for analysis and demand indicators and their segmentation. The third refers to dispersion modeling, analysis, and the geospatialization of indicators and metrics.
- Allow viewing and editing on maps and interactive dashboards of thematic axes by energy matrix, its metrics, geopositioning of infrastructure and logistics;
- Collect, compile and make available geospatial information about the market panorama, establishments, education, innovation, installations, public equipment, and urban infrastructure, facilitating the understanding of demands and highlighting solutions;
- Automate the collection of data from portals, platforms, and strategic sites related to the scope of the project;
- Assist in the evaluation, adaptation, modeling, collection, cleaning and enrichment of data for the geolocation of the strategic indicators for the project;
- Provide an online platform for access to the according to the systematization of the information developed collaboratively with the NürnbergMesse, Linkmesh, Hiria and Guia Marítimo teams, both in the analytical aspects of the indicators and in the UI/UX aspects of the layouts;
- Enable the input of primary data through forms, tables and other appropriate technological resources for the best functioning of the solution.
In the data visualization stage, we have both the geographic format and the dashboard through spreadsheets and graphs. Here, the data structured in the previous steps will be consumed to be visualized in different ways, always looking for visualizations that help in decision- -making and understanding of distinct sources of data to work on. Here, APIs are created for data consumption by the web application, as well as the web data viewers, graphs and maps.
Here are some suggested visualizations to be elaborated:
- Player mapping
- Mapping of generating sources
- Mapping of energy dynamics
- Social and urban development
- Water security and environmental conservation
- Institutional development
- Demographic and socioeconomic development